Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Web3.0 - Why every website should focus on personalization

Where web2.0 was a lot about services talking to each other, user generated content and social networks, web3.0 is mainly about making the web personal. By generating custom content for each visitor, based on their own and matching peoples historical interests, the web experience will be richer and more interesting than ever.

Incentive for websites
The main incentive for websites to make their content personal is obvious - Increased revenue.
Personally matched content leads to longer visits, increased pagecounts and a better match to advertising. Of these a better match to advertising is the important one.

Say that your current great content meant 3% ad-clicks per 1000 pages shown, a better targeted advertising could very well mean an increase to 4% ad-clicks. Since your content is also better matched than before, it's not unlikely that pagecount or visiting time increases with 5%.
These numbers aren't exagerated, but gives you a revenue increase of 40%.

1 comment:

Ian Carroll said...

I think you're spot on. I've heard content orbiting banded around the blogosphere which is seems to be solidifying as a concept.