Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My first EQO.com experience

Now I've tested my EQO account a couple of times and my experience as a user is so far not very convincing:

* The sound quality is not very good. I've tried a large number of voip solutions earlier, and I'd say that EQO's sound quality place itself somewhere in the middle, not the worst quality, but certainly not the best.
* A few times the sound is breaking up. You probably know what I mean, if you are long time voip users.
* Calls has been disconnected a few times. There's a chance that the call termination has happened when my mobile looses contact with the EQO-site, but I don't really care, disconnected calls are not acceptable to me.
* EQO was really easy to install and it imported all contacts from my phone without any problems.
* It's easy to find and to use the contact list with EQO, they've done a great job there.
* The msn messenger client is really good! Far better than other [java based] clients that I've tried.
* The client looks very good!

So my conclusion so far is that the client is really good, but the quality of calls was disappointing.

Now, this is a first impression, so the overall impression might be different. What is your impression of EQO?


Chris said...

Hello Sir,

Thank you for the kind words regarding the UI; we worked hard on that. As for the call quality, we know it can be better and we are working on it all the time. The dropped calls are not our fault though, those have to do with the voice network and most likely your mobile provider.


EQO Customer Evangelist

Mattias Aspelund said...

Hi Cris,
I really don't think that it's my mobile provider that made the calls drop, I'm using my phone a lot and mobile calls simply don't drop anymore. Not here in Sweden anyway. But you might be right, the land lines of my friend in netherlands might have dropped. However, I doubt that too.

Anyway, nice to hear from you, I look forward to test your product further, and I hope that sound quality will improve, your product and java applet is great (I'd love to run my cell from within your app at all time).

Mattias Aspelund said...

Btw, EQO Customer Evangelist, that's a great title!

Chris said...

Hi Mattias,

Thanks for getting back to me. Our network operations team is going to look into your dropped calls problem. If we find anything we can improve we will surely do it. We are happy to hear you like our app otherwise and appreciate the great review. Customer Evangelist is an interesting title to say the least, I have Guy Kawasaki to thank for it:)


EQO Customer Evangelist

Mattias Aspelund said...

Since I don't make that many calls I believe you when you say that it is a rare [if existing] problem. I haven't experienced any dropps after my blog post, but on the other hand, I haven't placed that many calls either.